The Doctor Of Feng Shui

Dr. Renee Parks

Creating A Feng Shui “Notebook” September 12, 2008



Most Feng Shui books and classes tell you to start your own Feng Shui notebook, but they never explain exactly how to go about it. Finally, I can lay out a good start for you here.

My recommendation is to get a smaller-sized loose-leaf notebook (also called small format). The one I use is about 9″ x 8″ (or European size 23 cm x 21 cm). I use several different colors of paper.

Start by adding a title to your first page, Intentions for This Year. Next, divide the page into the nine Bagua squares. Add a label at the top of each square, indicating the name of that square–for example, Heath and Well-Being, or Career. Spend a few minutes jotting down any goals for the year that you may have, as they fit into bagua squares. It’s OK if you don’t have goals in every square.

If you are unfamiliar with where to place the bagua squares, here is a guide (and don’t worry now about colors or elements):

Here are some personal examples. In my Love and Relationships square, my goals for this year are spending more time, and more fun time with my daughter, and finding the time to play long-distance chess with my brother who lives in another country. The goals I wrote in my Wealth and Prosperity corner include doing a better job of living within my means, and to get my financial papers in order. So take the time to enter some goals for yourself.

Next, make one page in your notebook for each room of your home. Don’t forget to make a page for the hallway, the garage, and each bathroom; as well as the utility room, if you have one. If you have already made your house plan, you can mark on the top of each page which bagua square(s) the room fits into. (If you haven’t yet made a house plan, then you can skip this step for now.) The reason for making a page for each room is that now you will have a place to start recording any changes you make.

We made some changes yesterday. An electrician came and installed a light in the downstairs bath, so I duly marked that on my Downstairs Bath page, along with the date it was done. He repaired some lights in various bedrooms, and I made notations on the appropriate Master Bedroom and Daughter’s Bedroom pages, along with the dates.

Having a notebook with recorded goals and changes will allow you to go back later to see if those changes were effective. If they are effective at moving you toward your goals you should notice a change within three to six weeks.