The Doctor Of Feng Shui

Dr. Renee Parks

New Marketing Collateral January 6, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — wilkinsbarbera @ 11:46 am

Hello Friends,

This year has had some amazing moments. Things have been so busy for Feng Shui Essentials, that I had to get NEW marketing materials to align all of my strategic work! Its so great to have a wonderful team working on my behalf. My BOOK is almost finished, my TV series is being bounced around in its development stages, and I must say that I’m blessed to be where I am at this very moment.  

I am posting my new marketing materials online so that you can tell me what you think.

BTW – I will be posting some pretty powerful YouTube demo videos and Biographical Client interviews soon.   

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Mystically yours,
Dr. Renee | ‘The Doctor of Feng Shui’
410 630-6989 | 888 869-8881
“Your Wellness is Our Priority”


Economic Crisis: Feng Shui Your Finances October 23, 2008

These are intense times and you may find your emotions zooming up and down and also allow fear to creep in as you watch the chaos of the stock market. There are things you can do to support yourself in staying peaceful. The more you can stay peaceful, the more you will be an energy match for the good you want in your life. So I have given some tips below on how to do that plus a look at what is happening astrologically. Finally there are some simple Feng Shui cures you can install in the financial sector of your home.

Here is a look at the financial crisis through the eyes of astrology, Feng Shui and spirituality plus suggestions of what you can do to cope.

  1. Do everything possible to not buy into fear and panic.  Just remember that your thoughts and intentions create the reality you experience and no matter what everyone else is experiencing you can still be in peace and live a happy life. How to do that? 
    1.   Do your spiritual practices daily, whatever they may be, to keep your connection with source.
    2.   Ground your self each day, cleanse your aura and surround it with light so that the chaotic energies of others around you can not penetrate your energy field
    3.   Take negative friends, family or naysayers out of your life for now until things change and it is easier to stay positive and not buy into their fear.        
  2.  Treat yourself to those activities that cause your body to relax and your brain waves to go to alpha.  This could be a walk in nature, a fishing trip, a bubble bath, a massage, body work or the Lightbody Activation – anything that feeds your soul.  The more you can remove your mind from your finances and vibrate at peace, the more you will be an energy match for the good outcomes you want to attract.
  3.  Feng Shui the financial area of your home.  This would be the far left hand corner of your house as you stand at your front door. There is a vortex of energy in that corner and how it vibrates impacts the details of your finances.  There are three things you could do.  First, make sure there is no clutter there. Clutter contributes to both stuckness and chaos in your finances. Now add a rock or some other heavy object to symbolically stabilize your finances.  Third, to  increase your investments to their original value or higher, add something purple or an item that represents abundance, such as gold coins or a very valuable or expensive item.  Say a prayer or chant that these items activate your finances in a good way.  Surrender it all and focus on gratitude for all you already have – family, health, friends, etc.

Astrological Energies Now Unfolding:

Astrologically, what is happening is a cleansing of the old ways of greed, dishonesty and imbalance.  Pluto, the planet of transformation, has activated the energies that rule all that is now unfolding.  The sign Capricorn, which Pluto is now influencing,  rules government, big business, CEO’s and the traditional way.  It will be in this sign for the next 16 years.

Pluto is just finishing its sojourn in Sagittarius, where it has been for the last fourteen years, transforming religion and travel. Now its assignment is to transform all that Capricorn rules, plus all that it rules. Pluto has rulership over finances, particularly big money, crime, hidden things, debt and other people’s money.  So you can see how the times are ripe for imbalances in government and big business to be exposed. Pluto tears down old ways to rebuild in a new in and better way.  This deep transformation is simply what we are now seeing.  This cleansing is facilitating the consciousness shift we are now experiencing.

What You Can Do To Help:

In your prayers and meditation, you can help this process by visualizing a gentle transformation where all people on the planet work in co-operation and harmony for the good of all. A good time to do this is on Saturday October 25th at 9:00 am in the Pacific time zone, 12:00 noon Eastern Time Zone.  There is a world wide meditation for the world soul.  To see how to participate go to this link:  There are lots of details on what to do, but just doing the two invocations near the bottom of the page at the appropriate time in your time zone would be a very loving contribution to Mother Earth.

Use those suggestions above that call to you and feel yourself more in charge of the unfoldment of your life.

Mystically yours,

Dr. Renee,  “The Doctor Of Feng Shui”
410 630-6989 | 888 869-8881
“Your Wellness is Our Priority”



Cancer Prevention: Your Home Is The Key October 1, 2008

There’s nothing like snuggling up in a warm bed to make us feel relaxed warm and safe. But the very place we go when we feel unwell could actually be making us ill. It all boils down to Geopathic Stress.

Geopathic stress (harmful earth rays) is natural radiation created by underground streams that rises up through the earth and is distorted by weak electromagnetic fields.  While we are asleep our bodies should be resting so it can repair body cells, fight infections and absorb nutrients from food. However, if we sleep in an area affected by geopathic stress, our body has to use all it’s energy just to keep vital organs going. As a result our immune system becomes weakened, which means it doesn’t absorb nutrients or fight off infections effectively. 


The first studies that proved a link between Cancer and geopathic stress was carried out in the early 20th century in Austria and Germany. The phenomenon has been linked to insomnia, migraine, headaches, loss of balance, short term memory loss, joint pain, cot death, infertility, miscarriages, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Cancer. Women are more likely to be at risk from geopathic stress because their hormonal systems are more susceptible.

Some reported effects of sleeping on the outside edge of a flowing underground water course include:

  • Energy depleted state & hypersensitivity to light
  • Insomnia, muscle and joint pains
  • Depression, Headaches
  • Short term memory loss, loss of Balance
  • Panic attacks

Long term exposure to geopathic stress can give rise to abnormal cell growth and cancer. It has been known for a long time that when there is flowing water under a dwelling the inhabitants always feel more tired, are prone to premature aging and have a loss of vitality than those who sleep above neutral ground. While water running beneath a domestic dwelling should be avoided, a stream situated nearby and open to the sky will favorably discharge its negative energies harmlessly into the atmosphere.

To locate geopathic stress dowsers visit the area and seek the location of underground streams, geological faults or the earth’s natural grid lines. As of yet there is no acceptable scientific explanation for dowsing. However, for thousands of years people from all over the world have found underground water for wells and mineral deposits to mine by dowsing methods. It’s the energy from the water and other artefacts that dowsers first respond to as it rises from deep beneath the ground to the surface.  Geopathic stress is easily neutralized by placing a copper rod at the point that it enters the space.

Dr. Renee, ‘The Doctor Of Feng Shui’
410 630-6989 | 888 869-8881
“Your Wellness is Our Priority


Burn Body Fat & Create Lasting Health September 12, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — wilkinsbarbera @ 8:44 pm
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Everyone has heard that water is important for health, but even still, most people dont drink enough water. Water is also vital to your fat burning efforts and maintaining a lean body. After all, our bodies are about 65-70% water. Water also keeps you from snacking on unhealthy sugary foods and sugar laden soft drinks, as many times when we feel we are hungry, we are actually just dehydrated. We need water in our bodies more than we need food. The body can survive for much longer without food that without water. Water is like the foods to eat to lose weight oil in the engines of our cars. It is involved in almost every process the body goes through, from digestion to nutrient absorption. It also keeps your energy level up as it prevents dehydration.


Obama Accepts DNC Nomination (full)! August 29, 2008

Filed under: Feng Shui,Healing,History,News,Politics,Uncategorized,Wellness — wilkinsbarbera @ 11:09 pm
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Obama Accepts Nomination

From The BBC.

Such a touching moment for everyone. I feel the tradjectory of America changing, how mighty for us to stand together as a nation once more…as True Americans. How did you feel seeing this?

Mystically yours,

Dr. Renee, ‘The Dr. Of  Feng Shui’
410 630-6989 | 888 869-8881
“Your Wellness is Our Priority”